How to watch Google I/O 2023 live

Trending 1 year ago

By nan extremity of Wednesday, we'll person a beautiful clear thought of really nan remainder of 2023 looks for Google.

That's because Google I/O 2023 is gracing america pinch its beingness connected hump time this week. Google's yearly software-focused (though, possibly not this year) convention kicks disconnected connected Wednesday, May 10, astatine 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET, and you tin watch it live.

Curious really to do that? It couldn't beryllium simpler. Just caput to Google's YouTube channel(opens successful a caller tab) aliases nan official I/O site(opens successful a caller tab) to tune successful erstwhile nan clip comes.

We've already covered what you tin expect to see astatine I/O this year, but nan main attraction for those who haven't been pursuing on is astir apt nan Pixel Fold. After years of rumors, Google more aliases little confirmed that it'll beryllium astatine nan show past week. It's nan company's first foldable device, and looks to beryllium a competitor to Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold line.

Aside from that, don't beryllium amazed if we spot nan Pixel 7a, nan Pixel Tablet, and/or a bunch of nifty caller Android features. It should beryllium a packed show, truthful make judge you've sewage that livestream nexus bookmarked now.

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Source Mashable